Monday, September 26, 2005

Bird flu and bird markets

The Jakarta Post - Bird traders hard hit by bird flu

Well, not exactly the Denpasar Bird Market, but the Bratang bird market in Surabaya. According to the Jakarta Post:
"Faisol, a trader in the Bratang bird market here, ... said he had not sold a bird in the past week. The situation is difficult, because in normal times Faisol sells four to six birds a day.

Faisol has been selling birds for 20 years in Bratang market, the biggest bird market in East Java. He sells commonly found birds such as turtledoves, as well as rarer birds such as white cockatoos with yellow crests.

Another trader at the market, Abdul Hasyim, shares Faisol's concerns. While he normally makes about Rp 1.5 million a day [about $190 a day], for the last few weeks his income has dropped to about Rp 75,000 [about A$9] a day."
What do you mean he usually makes A$190 a day? That's like A$1,000 a week. What's the story?


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